In addition to the core courses listed below students may elect to take art, chapel praise team, newspaper, cooking, gardening, etc.
Bible: Students are required to take a Bible class for each year attended. Bible class is held five days a week and a Chapel Service is held weekly. These courses include Old Testament and New Testament Study, Life of Christ, Worldviews, Apologetics, and Culture.
English: Every student is required to take four years of English. These courses include World Literature, American Literature, and British Literature.
Foreign Language (Spanish): All students at NRCS are required to take two years of Spanish for graduation.
Mathematics: At this time the following math courses are being offered: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Consumer Math, Business Math, and Pre- Calculus.
Science: The following courses in science are being offered: Biology, Chemistry, and Anatomy/Physiology.
Social Studies: The history curriculum contains the following courses: US History, World History, U.S. Government, Economics, and Psychology.
Physical Education: This is required for all students every year. This course is designed to promote physical exercise, maintenance and improvement of physical fitness, provide knowledge of sports, and a life-long pursuit of fitness.